*Need to know how I can properly switch my _currently subscribed recipiant e-mail address_ to another e-mail address,, please.,, 1 out of 4 of my e-mail add.'s has usable folders and e-options, although it only occasionally works correctly. Since I have XP, does not, indeed,, that fact amaze you? *When I go to access HELP from, <http://dragaera.info/mailing-lists.html>, it could not perform that operation because,, (sic) the default mail client is not properly installed. Now,, everyone commemmorate a good moment of the past by reperforming it with half the preparations,, or just have a snack. Thanks, really. - T -------------------------------------------------- This email is a free service of Phantom Email available at http://phantomemail.com/. Looking for a date? Check out http://personalinteractions.com/go/p185.