
started rereading _TPotD_

Sun Jul 13 12:38:03 PDT 2003

On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 14:09:31 -0500, you wrote:

>> From: lazarus [mailto:lazarus33pjf at cox.net] 
>> 10-15 miles a day is reasonable for this sort of travel.  One 
>> has to take into account setting up camp, breaking down camp, 
>> stopping to eat, etc.  They're not in a rush.  As opposed to 
>> Pel, who is indeed in a rush, and thus is traveling at speed. 
>>  Wasn't some comment made in the book about how they were 
>> taking their time?
>I always used 20 miles a day for a "unhurried pace, reasonable amounts of
>time for camping, eating, breaking camp, horse grazing, etc.".  Really,
>though, there are many different factors that affect travel pace.
>> >Ok, so then Pel has come 1500 miles from Kana to Khaavren 
>> (Scope plus 
>> >finger down the throat) in six days - this comes to 250 miles/day, 
>> >which seems like quite a lot, even by post.  I cite for comparison 
>Hmm.  If you're willing to gallop the horse to death or near-death
>(switching horses whenever possible), how many miles can a horse(s) cover in
>a day? Anyone?
>Also, it'd be prudent to note that Paarfi discusses the fact that there were
>"many different measurement systems" which he tries to reflect by mixing
>miles, leagues, feet, etc.  It is distinctly possible that a "league" may
>not be a consistent measurement of distance. :)
>It is also possible that Paarfi compresses or extends the travel time
>to..suit his convenience. :)

Something I forgot.  The day on Dragaera is longer than ours, isn't
it?  That throws everything off again.

Plus, as you said, all these different systems could easily cause



"Folly it may seem," said Haldir. "Indeed, in nothing is the power 
of the Dark Lord more clearly shown than in the estrangement that 
divides all those who still oppose him." -- J.R.R. Tolkien