

Wed Jul 16 19:31:34 PDT 2003

On Wed, 16 Jul 2003, David Silberstein wrote:

> I thought this was amusing:
>    There's a trick I like to pull on my friends. Standing in a large
>    city on an overcast night, I'll ask them to look down at the
>    sidewalk and tell me what color the sky is.  They invariably will
>    say black or, sometimes, dark blue.  Look up, I'll say.  And to
>    their astonishment the sky is neither black nor blue, but a dull,
>    smoky red - reflecting the orange glow of all those sodium and
>    mercury vapor streetlights.
> Cut from an essay about SF & the future by Michael Swanwick:
>    http://www.michaelswanwick.com/nonfic/future.html

Swanwick should do this in Chicago - the sky can be pinkish-orange...
Anyway, this doesn't work in SF for some reason.

I don't know any chemistry and wonder if Dragaeran could have
isolated sodium - my dictionary says this was done in 1807.  Can
static spells do work?  Maybe they don't know about electricity
per se, but perhaps a
run-a-lightning-bolt-100-times-per-second-through-mercury spell
would be within their grasp...