>> (Aside - Rollondar is Adron's cousin - Molric is Morrolan's >> brother - Morrolan is Adron's cousin. I wonder how lineage works.) > Well, my mother uses "cousin" to refer to any relative who isn't a > sibling, parent (plain, step-, great-, whatnot), aunt, or uncle, so > Paarfi _might_ be using that definition. > On the other hand, I seem to recall that someone said that Morrolan > was the kid of Adron's youngest sister, so in this case, "cousin" > might mean "brother-in-law," or it might mean "first cousin three > times removed," or it might be "third cousin." Dragons, like > hobbits, seem the sort to be fascinated by the meanderings of > family trees. We'd have to consult the genealogies at the end of > the Red Book of Castle Black to be certain. I was unclear re "lineage" - I meant, how is it that Rollondar is e'Drien but Adron e'Kieron. What you say about "cousin" is full of justice. But note that Paarfi refers to Molric as Adron's nephew on pg 278. Perhaps this is an odd error by Paarfi; another option is that Dragaeran has finer discrimination of relationships than English and the translator got confused... I can't recall the youngest sister relationship - dying brain cells. Looking forward to reading the (Blood-)Red Book.