
Taltos: Inconsistencies and imponderables.

Fri Aug 15 17:16:00 PDT 2003

> The first time Vlad teleports to Castle Black, he notices the Overcast 
> beneath him, and above, more of the same.  OTOH, in Athyra, Rocza is 
> able to fly through the Overcast in one breath.  Which she holds. 
>  Because it's toxic.  Seems to me Morrolan is a smart enough fellow not 
> to fly his castle in the middle of a toxic smog cloud.

Yet travelers in Viscount go though the Enclouding with no ill effects.
Hypothesis A) It's toxic to jheeg (small j), but not to any of the
species that call themselves human.
Hypothesis B) It's only toxic after prolonged exposure.  Castle Black is
either usually *not* inside it, or has some sot of magical air-filter.

> Speaking of which, I *did* catch a major glitch.  Morrolan says he had 
> Zerika's back when she jumped Deathgate Falls.  PoTD says that he was 
> *not* with her party.

Someone on the list (sorry that I can't recall who) came up with a
good theory some time after volume 1 of Viscount came out.  My policy
is to not explain it at this point in time, because it could be a major
spoiler for the concluding volume, but you can search the list archives
if you want.


Alexx Kay
Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employers
alexx at world.std.com
Forewarned is half an octopus.
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