
Next Vlad Book (was: Dumas parallels...)

Wed Aug 20 11:24:55 PDT 2003

> From: Greg Morrow [mailto:dr.elmo at whiterose.org] 

> [1] Although their treatment of Morrolan in _Jhereg_ would 
> seem to make 
> this unlikely.

I'd agree with this thought.  Given the Demon's prior comments on this
matter, I think the response to the idea is that regardless of how many
Jhereg Vlad could destroy, kill, etc...would still be better than having
Vlad out there, as a symbol of "someone who ratted on the Jhereg, and

I think the only possibility of the Jhereg leaving Vlad alone is if someone
comes up with a way to "save face" for the Jhereg.  One method would be the
classic "faked" death, perhaps.  Although at this point, since Vlad has been
"home free" for at least a year or so, he may already have severely damaged
the House of Jhereg's reputation. :)