
Orb to navigate

Wed Aug 20 14:22:36 PDT 2003

On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 07:31:59PM -0500, Rachel L. Ruhlen wrote:

> That explains how _Orca_ navigate. What about the pirates from Elde
> Island/Greenaere? They don't have the handy Orb link.

I got the impression neither island is that far from the mainland.  "Go that
away", then navigate by coastal landmarks.

For all the OrbGPS speculation, we have very little evidence of deep sea
navigation.  The Known World seems to be one big continent plus a couple of
islands.  A counter argument might be Khaavren sitting, hoping to see ships
come in... if they come in over the horizon, rather than along the coast, I'm
not sure where they'd be coming from.

-xx- Damien X-)