
Several Interview Questions for Sethra Lavode

charles_sumner at harvard.edu charles_sumner at harvard.edu
Thu Aug 21 07:39:39 PDT 2003

At 11:14 PM 8/20/2003 -0700, David Silberstein wrote:
>      [ Feel free to add on a few ]

Heck, she'd probably kill us for asking what's already there, so why not go 
all the way

()  How is it that the assassin known as Mario escaped Adron's disaster and 
what aliases is he currently using?

()  Have you met Devera?  What can you tell us of her parentage?

()  How exactly did you become a vampire, and what is the nature of that 

()  What are the origins of your relationship with the Jenoine?

()  What happened to the tribes that were not included in the empire?  Why 
weren't they part of the cycle?

()  Where does that strange box that the Easterner named Vlad Taltos 
occasional tells stories to come from?

Charley Sumner               charles_sumner at harvard.edu

"Let's not jump to any conclusions."
"I didn't jump. I took a tiny step, and there conclusions were."
      Buffy the Vampire Slayer - "Phases"