
Auden, Fenton re "gya", and a _TLoCB_ spoiler

J A 'Dusty' Sayers dusty at sayersnet.com
Sat Aug 30 09:15:52 PDT 2003

(This is my second try at this letter; although I've read the mailing list
for about a year, I don't often respond, so when I do, I usually don't send
the e-mail to the right place the first time--my apologies to Fides for
sending him this at his personal e-mail address earlier.)

Fides wrote:

> It is clear that it is known about otherwise the concept wouldn't exist.
> I can't remember Vlad ever mentioning whether he was boss of 'gentlemen
> of negotiable affection' as well as ladies of the same. It seems
> unlikely that the Jhereg wouldn't be an equal oppotunity employer in
> that respect unless there just wasn't a market (unlikely if
> homosexuality existed at all) or that were some things even they
> wouldn't stoop to (and you can bet they would hostiliy take over with
> any competitors) which would answer the question of attitude.

Vlad has, when discussing brothels he has known and run, mentioned both male

and female tags.  Whether the male tags are just there for female customers,

or for male customers, or if they swing both ways, or if some are for males
and some for females (or, for that matter, with which sex or sexes the
female tags worked) was not discussed.

J A Dusty Sayers

'Give thy thoughts no tongue,
  Nor any unproportioned thought his act.'
     --William Shakespeare, Hamlet