Philip Hart wrote: >On Tue, 2 Sep 2003, Steven Brust wrote: > > > Philip Hart writes: > > > On the subject, I would like to once again assert that Morrolan's >taking > > > Blackwand into the Paths, when he fully expects to be staying, is an > > > annoying flaw in _Taltos_, which if anyone can explain away I'd be > > > grateful. > > > > Just an oversight on my part. I completely forgot that, when going into > > great danger, someone who owns a powerful artifact that might save his >life > > will naturally leave this artifact behind. What was I thinking? > >While it seems like setting myself up as Job to continue the argument, >Morrolan, to quote someone I tend to agree with, "fully expects to be >staying." The main use for Blackwand I can see would be to slay all the >Gods and destroy the control system of the Paths so he could walk out >alive. As it happens, he makes no use of Blackwand per se. I think that even if M did not think that he would be able to come back, he had a task to perform in the paths helping Vlad and therefore it would be useful to bring it, i.e. to fight against several dead dragonlords. _________________________________________________________________ Accede al romance online. Descubre gente que busca a otra gente en MSN Amor & Amistad.