
Concerning the Great Sea of Chaos

Wed Sep 3 12:34:11 PDT 2003

On Tue, 2 Sep 2003, Philip Hart wrote:

> On Tue, 2 Sep 2003, David Silberstein wrote:
> > Probably Alexx wrote:

> > >Why "using the Orb"?  They held in the Greater Sea somehow, and had no
> > >Orb to work with.  (Well, I suppose they *might* have done, what with
> > >living in non-linear time and all, but it strikes me as inelegant.)
> > >
> >
> > When I wrote that, I had just re-read the bits in /Issola/ that talked
> > about the Greater Sea and the Lesser Sea, and the Orb - an artifact of
> > trellanstone - being used to control amorphia.
> I thought this was considered more or less miraculous - am I
> hallucinating?  Also I was under the impression that the Gods
> were a consequence of the Great Sea as much as v.v. - and that
> the whole thing was accidental enough that no One would have been
> prepared to bell it.

_Issola_, pg 204.  Re the Jenoine's possession of WMD I mean chaos, the
Enchantress of Exposition says, "They cannot duplicate the conditions that
gave rise to it without, in all probability, destroying their entire
world."  Then she says re the Catastrophe that created the Great Sea,
"the fact that it failed to entirely consume the world is the biggest
fluke of all."

The Cycle at work, anyone?