
Concerning the Great Sea of Chaos

Tue Sep 2 23:22:01 PDT 2003

On Tue, 2 Sep 2003, David Silberstein wrote:

> >Why "using the Orb"?  They held in the Greater Sea somehow, and had no
> >Orb to work with.  (Well, I suppose they *might* have done, what with
> >living in non-linear time and all, but it strikes me as inelegant.)
> >
> When I wrote that, I had just re-read the bits in /Issola/ that talked
> about the Greater Sea and the Lesser Sea, and the Orb - an artifact of
> trellanstone - being used to control amorphia.

I thought this was considered more or less miraculous - am I
hallucinating?  Also I was under the impression that the Gods
were a consequence of the Great Sea as much as v.v. - and that
the whole thing was accidental enough that no One would have been
prepared to bell it.