
feminist argument

Wed Sep 3 13:00:01 PDT 2003

On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Heather Fleming wrote:

> > It seems to me there may simply be biological aspects to women's
> > sexuality - say slower arousal or less automatic sexual response -
> > that might lead to fewer female customers in brothels despite complete
> > social equality between men and women. And note that there is still
> > some residual chivalry apparent in the Paarfiad - e.g., women can
> > chastise servants.
> Not to get into any kind of feminist argument here, but, let's not
> postulate on the "slower" arousal time or lack of "response" women have
> to sex, o.k.? Because I do believe that your ideas on that matter are
> either baseless or, at the very least, not thought out.

>I'm a bit bewildered here - we're talking about human >beings, right? In
>this universe, the one where the sky is blue and getting >from 0-60 fastest
>is not considered an accomplishment except among >circle jerk devotees? (I
>should perhaps write devote's as I can't imagine the >female equivalent).
>Where many a young man walks around with the engine >running while many a
>young woman wishes her lover would adjust the mirrors, >check the oil,
>squeegee the windows, and rub on a fresh coat of turtle >wax before taking
>her out for a Sunday drive?

>Maybe I and my heterosexual male friends and all the >sex-column writers
>have been misled by feminist theorists into believing men >should learn to
>go slow and indulge in foreplay, and our observations >that doing so is
>appreciated were colored by the aforesaid propaganda, >and maybe our
>partners were misled into believing that they shouldn't >have an orgasm-
>centered view of sex when in fact they should expect to >come effortlessly
>every time. Maybe I should go rent some porn to pick >up pointers.

Wow!  That is so way off what I meant it's almost ridiculous.  I was merely suggesting that to assume a woman biologically would be unlikely to enjoy the pleasures of a prostitute was a bit misguided.  Women's "engines", like men's can run fast or slow, depending on their current moods, I assure you.  Assuming that one is either one way or another at all times due to some biological factor is what I object to, not the rise in male sensitivity.    