
Concerning the Great Sea of Chaos

Mon Sep 8 13:22:59 PDT 2003

>As I understand it, what the e'Kieron line can do is actually create
>amorphia, and turn that into stones which can then be used to perform
>certain types of Elder Sorcery.  But creating a stone from already
>existing amorphia may be possible for non-e'Kierons.

For some reason, this paragraph gave me a fairly interesting realization 
about Elder Sorcery.

The E'Kieron line can *create* raw chaos.  Everyone else has to draw it 
through the orb, unless they are in relatively close proximity to either the 
Lesser or Greater Seas.

The stones, however, work as magnifiers, focusers, and channels, 
simultaneously amplifying, concentrating and defining (directing) the raw 
chaos.  This is why Adron was able to use this great spell of Pre-Empire 
Sorcery, I think.  There are certain textevs that might indicate that chaos 
could also be stored in these stones, but nothing, I think, that would be 
sufficient to supply enough power to challenge the orb.

Adron only needs to create a drop of raw chaos, and let the stones direct it 
>from there--allowing it to spread, but only in a specific way.  No other 
sorceror, I think, could have done what Adron did, because they weren't near 
to the Greater Sea, and/or couldn't store enough chaos to achieve a similar 

In short, the stones that Adron set up were originally like a map/recipe for 
the chaos to follow--amplify here, spread there, concentrate here, turn into 
this actuality there.  I'm not sure what his original map would have had the 
chaos become, but after the searching of Aliera's apartments in FHYA, he 
apparently changes his map/recipe to become a direct manipulation of the 
Cycle, probably by removing Tortaalik and placing Adron on the throne--which 
by the way, was a noble act of self-sacrifice on Adron's part--we all know 
all Dragonlords want to be Warlord, not Emperor.

One might argue that any stone being used as a battery could release chaos, 
as is seen in _Issola_ back into an uncontrolled state--but that would 
create, well, chaos.  Adron's spell was very very complex and specific.  
Could a battery be used and then a map be put in place to direct its flow?  
If my theory is correct, then no.  Why not, I have no idea. I'll keep 
working on it.  Perhaps it's something as simple as no one had the balls or 
the inclination to do something like that--or the skill.  Maybe my theory's 
entirely wrong, too.  That's always possible :)


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