
book by its

Tue Oct 7 15:27:12 PDT 2003

On Tue, 7 Oct 2003 15:23:09 -0700, you wrote:

>> Hi, what I meant was, Does the cover art/title/back cover matter for the
>> third book of a trilogy?  Will random people actually buy the book?
>Oh.  Well, it seems odd to me, but I'm told that, yes, they do.

When I went to see Return of the Jedi way back in the 80s, I caught it
opening night.  Stood in line for hours, etc.

The elderly couple in front of me turned around and asked me what a
"Jedi" was.  They had no clue.  Had never heard of Star Wars.

When I asked why they were there, they said that they had heard this
was the big film event  of the year, so they thought they ought to see

I dunno.



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