
Opinion vs. Criticism ( was: RE: book by its )

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Thu Oct 9 09:28:57 PDT 2003

"Warlord" <warlord at dragon.com> writes:

> Good points.  I'll go along with being an injured party grants
> you certain rights to criticize. But then, you paid for that
> priviledge.  Steve, for example, has the right to criticize
> any artwork that he (or through Tor) contracts.
> As far as the difference between a comment and criticism, I
> fall back on example:
> Comment: I like (or dislike) that piece of art work.  I think
>  it would look better with more lighter hues.
> Criticism: That sucks, and the artist should stick to cartoons.

Hmmm; I'd call the first criticism, and the second "attack".  And an
explicit attack on the creator as well as on the work.

Anyway I agree that the second doesn't serve much purpose. 
David Dyer-Bennet, <dd-b at dd-b.net>, <www.dd-b.net/dd-b/>
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