
Book text search

David Silberstein davids at kithrup.com
Sun Oct 19 14:33:02 PDT 2003

On 15 Oct 2003, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

>The copy I have isn't from you; it's converted from Steven's
>manuscript file (I still have the pieces in my working subdirectory). 

Just out of curiosity, when the text of the book and the e-manuscript
differ, which should be considered "authoritative"?

I notice that the line which the text search brings up as "Today my
brother-in-law is Warlord, and his younger son is my chainman [...]"
is "Today my cousin is Warlord (etc)" in the printed book.

In both cases, "cousin"/"brother-in-law" is repeated by Khaavren a few
lines down.  Of course, they could both be "correct", that is,
contextually true, but I wonder which one was *meant*.

On the other hand, the electronic manuscript appears to have more than
a few places where "Rollondar" is spelled "Rollandar" (which I only
found because I mistyped it myself at first).  These appear to have
been corrected in the printed book.