
Sethra's House, the Necromancer

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Wed Oct 29 15:23:04 PST 2003

On Wed, 29 Oct 2003 wyrmouroboros at comcast.net wrote:

#While I concur with the implied '[of Dragons]', it might be
#significant to note that -nowhere- in that conversation is the tribe
#that is meant -actually-indicated-.  Steve, perhaps wisely, leaves it
#as an exercise for the reader.
#I also concur with David's homing in on the critical word usage: 'in',
#and not 'to'.  Sethra, so far as I can tell, does not use her words
#imprecisely; she is also speaking from a position of personal
#experience, and a significant experience as well -- how she was
#associated with the Tribes.  I do disagree with David's suggestion
#that saying 'in the tribe' does not mean she was a dragon; considering
#the tribes at that time, you were either a member because you had that
#blood and lived up to it, or you were an outcast and Dolivar was going
#to collect you some time soon for a good talking-to about an idea he

And what if she has both dragon (lowercase) AND dzur genes, and not as a
crossbreed? (See Joel Polowin's short-short fanfic "Q-17", at
http://www3.sympatico.ca/jpolowin/humour/q17.htm). Maybe both tribes
consider her a member, or did so back then.

And, as has been said before, even if she is a crossbreed, who's going
to argue with Sethra Lavode? (cue song...)

-- Mark A. Mandel