
Sethra's House, the Necromancer

Sun Nov 2 17:02:59 PST 2003

--- Philip Hart <philiph at SLAC.Stanford.EDU> wrote:
 Also we
> have little evidence about the differences between
> "tribe" and "House".
> Maybe Sethra and Dolivar were best buds and hung out
> so much she was
> unofficially but effectively in the tribe...

This explanation also works well for her involvement
in the House of the Dragon. If it turns out she is not
a Dragon. And it would make sense that she is close to
them. She does need help fighting against the Jenoine
and the Dzur and Dragons are good at what they do, and
there are plenty of them. I'd have to say the best
fighters would be the Lyorn, but there are few
warriors of the House.


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