> Don't think so. Elder sorcery is outlawed, and > revivification is > somewhat common. It wouldn't be an easily purchased > service on the > street if it involved elder sorcery. > > And apparently you don't need a link to the Orb to > > preform it, since I don't think the Necromancer > has a > > link to the Orb(although you could have joined one > of > > the House after her arrival). > > The Necromancer is special. She is not a dragaeran, > she has her own > sources of power and doesn't need to use the Orb. > I'm sure that when > Aliera does revivification, she has to use the Orb. > > But she was still quite > > powerful with out a link. And teleportation worked > > pre-Interregnum, it was just more difficult. > Sethra > > did teleport Khavreen and company as well as > Aliera > > and Mario. > > When Sethra performed a teleport in order to save > the Orb, that was the > *first* succesfull teleportation. It was rumored to > have been done > before then, but never proven. It took all that > Sethra had (including > drawing on the power of Dzur Mountain) to do it. > Now Vlad, who admits > he is a poor sorceror, can perform teleports. > > Personally I think it's more likely that > > wizards during the Interregnum got stronger from > the > > strain of preforming the most minimal task during > the > > Interregnum. > > I think I read that somewhere. I used to think the > same, then I thought > about it more, and read PotD. Only those that had > branched into elder > sorcery were able to do anything during the > Interregnum, and there > aren't many who had done that. Those few may have > grown stronger due to > their forced reliance on elder sorcery, but those > who didn't switch to > elder, had nothing. They didn't even try, they just > did nothing. > > > > > I don't remember it being said that the Orb draws > > power from the Lesser Sea of Chaos. > > You mean Greater? > > > But in Issola it's > > said that the Orb would know if the Jenoine were > > taking power from the Great Sea of Chaos due to > the > > link between the Orb and the Great Sea, but that > the > > Orb wouldn't know about the drainage on the Lesser > > Sea. Which to me points to there being no link > between > > the two, thus no extra power from the Lesser Sea. > > That's right, its implied in _Issola_ that there is > no link between the > Orb and the Lesser Sea of Chaos. Although I do > wonder if there might be > a linke between [ISSOLA Spoiler]GodSlayer and the > Lesser Sea of Chaos. > We don't know enough about GS to know if it would be > needed, but it > would be interesting if they were linked, like the > Orb and the Greater > Sea are linked and Pathfinder and Dzur Mountain are > linked. > In Issola most of magic is defined you can find the definitions here. But Sorcery is the art of manipulating necrophia and Elder Sorcery is the art of manipulating amorphia. To be able to preform Necromancy you have to manipulate both. I think that proves the point that I'm making. Just cause someone had not done it successfully, doens't mean that it could not be done. And since it was done before the Lords of Judgment got their hands on the Orb says that it would have only been a matter of time. Besides, it's always hardest the first time you do something, and gets easier as more people know the basics of how to do it right. Also, the use of power from Dzur Mountain could have been used to re-enforce Sethra's mental power to correspond with the Orb and not to power the Orb. No, I meant Lesser. The Orb draws its power from the Greater Sea of Chaos not the Lesser. Why would there be a link between Godslayer and the Lesser Sea? Other then the fact that Godslayer was created/re-create near the Lesser Sea I don't recall anything happening that would forge a link. And I think you mean the link between Iceflame and Dzur Mountain, not Pathfinder. Doc www.toubib.us --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears