
Some thoughts on the Orb

Mon Nov 3 16:50:59 PST 2003

On Sun, 2003-11-02 at 23:38, Toubib wrote:
> No, I meant Lesser. The Orb draws its power from the Greater Sea of Chaos not the Lesser. Why would there be a link between Godslayer and the Lesser Sea? Other then the fact that Godslayer was created/re-create near the Lesser Sea I don't recall anything happening that would forge a link.

I know its a bit of a stretch, but here are my thoughts on it, from a
while back:


>  And I think you mean the link between Iceflame and Dzur Mountain, not Pathfinder.

Doh! You're right.  I kept thinking of Iceflame, but using the name
Pathfinder.  Guess that's what I get for ignoring the list for a few
