
A thought concerning Skinter's future...

David Silberstein davids at kithrup.com
Tue Nov 4 13:39:40 PST 2003

On Tue, 4 Nov 2003, Trager wrote:

>> Hmm.  Now I am reminded of my previous Kragar theory, which is that
>> he's a half-breed mixed-House of some sort.

>The one problem I have with that kind of theory is that when Vlad
>first meets Kragar, he makes an internal monologue comment about how
>apparent Kragar's Dragon heritage is.  That always led me to believe
>that Kragar was a full blooded Dragon. 

I know, which is why I (mostly) limited my hypothesizing to Houses
which have "no distinguishing features", i.e., Yendi & Jhereg.

My other notion is that some Houses might have features very similar
to Dragons (note that Zerika, a Phoenix, appears to be similar to a
Dragon, although no one guesses at first which House she actually is),
or alternatively, that some House has features that nearly exactly
"cancel out" the Dragon features, leaving them Dragon-like, but
otherwise bland.  House Hawk might be a case of the former, House
Teckla the latter.  Although of course, it is all just speculation. 

Finally, there is always the point that Vlad is not always as
observant as he likes to think.  He may have seen "Dragon", and said
"aha", and stopped looking.  Remember, these are unreliable narrators
>from an (occasionally) unreliable author.