This topic will naturally have spoilers for those who haven't read Agyar. You have been warned... (white space follows) Yesterday I was able to re-read a good deal of Agyar (up to about pg 200 or so. The reference to 3 mustaphas 3 (Forward in all Directions!) still makes me grin. It really should be louder.) Up until this year I had never read another (*for god sakes man, if you haven't read the book stop reading now!*) vampire novel. Then just around halloween this year I read(1)the grandaddy of them all, (well I suppose someone could argue this, but at least a famous uncle) Dracula by Bram Stoker. It made me a little curious about the vampire rules and restrictions that Agyar is subject to. The one rule I picked up for the first time on yesterday's rereading was him having to be invited into someplace before being able to enter. This occurs several times, the most interesting (to me at least) was the offhand way he asks if the coffee-shop is closed before entering. (I read it now as him asking that and the waitress inside nodding her head, or saying something like "yes, come in.") This gives added weight to his meeting with the 'csigany' and her refusal to grant him entry. There are a few others things of course: Jill's 'evangelical' transformation - she put up crucifixes or something similar; Agyar has the ability to create fog, though it seems to exhaust him; He's strong and fast when he needs to be; the shotgun blast only hurts him... but I was wondering if there was somebody more familiar with the vampire mythos who might point out a couple other things I might be missing, in particular what common vampire rules Agyar doesn't follow. I had been a little afraid that knowing too much might detract from the experience, but I should have realized that skzb is too good a writer to let that happen. For instance there is never a point where Agyar says anything specific what he can or can't do. (In fact, there is a point where he mutters about Laura not telling him more about these things...) ____ (1) I still choke a little on saying 'reading' when lately I have actually been listening to books-on-tape for my commute to work. It is definitely a different experience than words-on-paper. What it has allowed me to do is get in some Gaimain (American Gods) and O'Brian (Master & Commander) as well as catching up on other books I've been meaning to read. Which reminds me, anybody know of any of skzb's books being on tape? anything planned? Cheers all! Matt