
Book on Tape...

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Fri Nov 21 12:40:07 PST 2003

> (1) I still choke a little on saying 'reading' when lately I have actually 
been listening to books-on-tape for my commute to work.  It is definitely a 
different experience than words-on-paper.  What it has allowed me to do is get 
in some Gaimain (American Gods) and O'Brian (Master & Commander) as well as 
catching up on other books I've been meaning to read.

Because of the amount of driving I do, I've listened to many a book on tape--
and love them.  (Well, if they're unabbridged, that is.  I can't
stand it when they tear up a writer's work.:)

I haven't seen American Gods, is it on CD?  I'll have to order 
that one....  Any others you can suggest?  Gaiman has also produced
two of his short stories on CD in "Radio play" fashion that I
recommend to anyone who enjoys his work.  The two stories are "Murder
Mysteries" and "Snow White Apple" (I'm away from the CD and books,
and am not positive of the name of the second).  Both are excellent.

> Which reminds me, anybody know of any of skzb's books being on tape? anything 

I wish!  If I ever see any of Brust's work on CD, I'll believe I
have died and gone to Heaven....<sigh>

Whatdya say, Steve?  Want to sit down and read your books
out loud?  I may never leave my car, but what the hell.... <grin>


"Blind man's night is music to the deaf, and 
everyone has *two* paths, not one, whence comes
tragedy and comedy, forsooth and damn straight,
 - "The Gypsy" - Brust & Lindholm