
Book on Tape...

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Fri Nov 21 14:09:54 PST 2003

Matthew Jennings <attjen at gwu.edu> wrote:
> American Gods was done by Recorded Books. (recordedbooks.com) Paddy Doyle's 
Star Called Henry was enjoyable, if you like him (The Commitments, Paddy Clarke 
Ha Ha Ha, etc), and the O'Brian was good.  I've been doing a pretty wide 
variety, but unfortunately some of my recent ones have been pretty so-so.  
Unfortunately many of my favorite authors (Brust, Capek, Taibo, etc) aren't on 

Yes, I'll have to order American Gods, and the O'Brian, for that matter.
I do wish they produced more good books onto tape/CD.  There is a
Lovecraft one out there, but it's "read" by computer, I've heard, so
I haven't bought it.

> Maybe you could give me some suggestions?

There is a collection of Poe's work, read by Vincent Price
and Basil Rathbone, which I greatly enjoy.

I also must confess to enjoying the Harry Potter series (well,
at least #s three through five).  I blew off reading them for
years, then went on a trip to San Diego with my SO (who had
read them), and, for the trip down, bought the fourth on CD (it's
a long trip).  I was quite surprised by how good it was, 
and the reader, Jim Dale, does an excellent job.  
(Yeah, guilty little secret.  What, you don't have any?) <grin>

If you're a crazy liberal like me, Michael Moore's _Stupid White Men_
is also on CD (though, IIRC, it is not read by him.)

I've listened to some others, but those I recommend, and I'll admit
that I haven't bought *that* many, and listen to KPFA enough to
satisfy the rest of my driving time. :)

Chris (Who's daily commute runs about 2.5-3 hours....<sigh>;)

"Life is the nightmare that leaves its mark upon you
in order to prove that it is, in fact, real."
	-Thomas Ligotti- 'The Sect of the Idiot'