It took me awhile to figure RSI out to be "Repetitive Stress Injury". Did I get it right? ;) (It's not his politics that worry me, it's his religion, but I can't deny that he's a helluva writer. His _Ender's Shadow_ series was superb. johne (phy) cook wisconsin, usa aerie blog: "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man." - Jedediah Springfield >From: Philip Hart <philiph at SLAC.Stanford.EDU> >I could write six books a year, though I'd get an RSI. Maybe if he wrote >fewer books he could vary his themes a little and maybe incorporate some >personal growth, like into adulthood. He's probably the most talented SF >writer out there whose work I have no more desire to read - and it's not >because his politics frighten me. _________________________________________________________________ Winterize your home with tips from MSN House & Home.