
OSC on the virtues of writer's block

Fri Dec 5 09:21:41 PST 2003

> I've often thought that the more useful distinction is between those who
> believe that humans are a blank slate that is only civilized through external
> influence (which must be applied), and those who believe humans are innately
> good and only acquire evil tendencies due to pernicious external influences
> (which they must be protected from).

You've left out at least one observed set of people.  Those that believe
humans are innately *evil*, and must be carefully raised to suppress that
inner nature.  I do not agree with (or like) these people, but they do


Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employers.
alexx at carolingiaSPAMBL@CK.org                http://www.panix.com/~alexx
"Jaka has turned up in my life on three or four occasions, but always
 at a distance or in such a way that it was easy enough to avoid her.
 Which I do.  Having drawn her umpty-ump times, I know the difference
 between an approximation and the genuine article.  Stare at her for a
 few seconds.  "Isn't that interesting?  Right, that's enough staring,"
 and back to whatever I was doing."
    -- Dave Sim, in correspondence with Alan Moore about _From Hell_