

Sun Dec 7 15:54:24 PST 2003

> [ Dri'Chazik a Tukknaro Dzur ]
> >someone calling sethra 'young one'....
> Well, I think it is obvious that someone who is nearly as old as
> Sethra, and *looks* older (wrinkled skin, stooped posture, somewhat
> palsied, perhaps), might well think, when he's feeling in a snippy
> mood, that he has a right to call someone who is older, but *looks*
> less than 200 ("You don't look old enough to remember the
> Interregnum"), "young one".
> If you want more wild speculation, perhaps it's because *he* is the
> reason she looks younger - that is, it is from his blood that she
> feeds when she is being a vampire.  So he's reminding her of the debt
> she owes him.
something else i was thinking along this line is that *he* is dzur mountain,
sethra feeds off him somehow etc etc...
> Given how taciturn he is around Vlad, I find myself wondering how
> Paarfi's portrayal of a rather garrulous individual accords with that.
> Perhaps Tukko is so offended or upset by the presence of an Easterner
> - or of a Jhereg - that he is clamming up specifically because of
> Vlad.  Or perhaps Paarfi figured out that Tukko was more important
> than he seemed, and decided to interview him, first getting him drunk,
> and, well, perhaps being drunk makes him talkative.

i'm still of the opinion that mario was a reincarnation of whats his name,
our little vlad is just the next incarnation of that soul.. by whats his
name, i
mean kieron and aliera's brother, his name escapes me right now, but
assassinating an emperor and dropping the empire into chaos would seem to
be his speed.. dolivar? for some reason i want to type dolemite, out of some
fond remembrance for bad 70's exploitation films....
> On a completely unrelated note, I noticed that the novel that Robert
> Sloane was working on is titled "Chazho", and I wondered if perhaps
> "Chazho" has some relation to "Chazhik".  But that is merely an idle
> notion.
i was hoping it was some messed up form of hungarian and someone could
rough translate :)
