
Kelly's Movement

Mon Jan 19 11:44:14 PST 2004

> No more! No more! I can't avoid work ALL DAY! :)

Ah, but I have today off!  ;-)

> I see some of your points, but the one thing I disagree about is 
> Kelly's lack of self-interest. He DOES think he knows what's best for 
> everyone in society, and _he's_ the one who can make the 
> Easterner/Teckla gov't work, at least in his own mind. Do you think 
> that he's saying they should all overthrow the Empire and then some 
> _other_ person is going to take over and establish the gov't? And, 
> once you've got that power, you're going to become corrupt 
> (<AI-construct-recently-known-as-Agent-Smith voice>It is 
> inevitable</AICRKAAS>).

But Kelly seems to realize that the move important thing is the 
movement, not his own personal power.  I think Kelly would be happy to 
have someone else take over the empire, because, being an easterner, if 
he wants his government to be more than a blip on the timeline of the 
Empire, he's going to have to give it up at some point.

> He may THINK he's being altruistic, but he's not, in my eyes. I'm sure 
> that Stalin thought he was doing what was best for the proles in 
> Russia, too.

The Stalin and Kelly comparison doesn't really work.  Stalin's 
contribution to the revolution was setting up microphone's for Lenin, 
and robbing trains in the Caucusses; Kelly seems to be a bit more 
involved in both the theoretical and intellectual end of the revolution 
as well as the actual logistical planning and such of the revolution.

> Oh, wait, one other thing:  while the Nazi's and slave owners (and 
> countless divine-right-of-kings Kings) thought they were doing god's 
> will, they have the disadvantage that no one could ask god what his 
> will was. Not a problem on Dragaera.

That still doesn't make it right in my eyes.  If I had asked any of 
these countless slaveholders and divine-right-of-kings, they would have 
pointed to the Bible, which was God's word, and thus be justified.  
Even if the Gods endorse this, which they clearly do in the books, that 
still doesn't make it right in my eyes.
