
Feng! or the s at tan thing

Wed Feb 4 11:11:33 PST 2004

Sorry just had to pitch in and boggle at To Reign in Hell being dismissed as
"the Satan thing."


Okay, done now.

The member petitions the board to reinstate judeo-christian culture and
history studies and Milton on the curriculum for 14 year olds.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joshua Kronengold" <mneme at io.com>
To: <dragaera at dragaera.info>
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 1:06 PM
Subject: RE: Feng!

> Chris Olson - SunPS writes:
> >The "Satan thing"?  Are you referring to "To Reign in Hell"?
> Yes.  Couldn't remember the name.
> >I would not consider that book slow by any stretch.  Damn
> >good, with an ending beyond belief, with a host of great
> >characters (on par with the usual), but slow?
> I didn't find it slow or boring.  I was also 14, and found the ideas
> involved original.
> I suspect, given the reactions of my (somewhat older, and older when
> they read it) friends, that I'd find it less palatable now -- clearly,
> TRiH has a lot of fans, but it's got plenty of detractors as well
> (obviously, not anywhere near as commonly disliked as, say, Feng's).
> -- 
>      Joshua Kronengold (mneme at io.com) "I've been teaching |\
_,,,--,,_  ,)
> --^--him...to live, to breathe, to walk, to sample the   /,`.-'`'   -,
>   /\\joy on each road, and the sorrow at each turning.   |,4-  ) )-,_ ) /\
> /-\\\I'm sorry if I kept him out too late"--Vlad Taltos '---''(_/--' (_/-'