
Mailing List Etiquette -- Results

Sun Feb 15 09:38:37 PST 2004

As of 11:19am CST on 2/15/2004, here are the results of my etiquette

> 1. When I reply to a message on this list, should I be replying
> to both the user and the mailing list, or just the list?

one or the other - 6 responses
not that big of a deal - 4
both - 2

I will consider the above a tie, between "one or the other" and "who
cares/both".  The arguements stated on both sides appeared to boil down to
the following:

Evil 1: Duplicates are annoying!

Evil 2: I don't have time to go through 40 messages, I wonder if anyone
responded to my posting?

Since I believe too much information is better than too little, I'll post to
both, as the lesser of these two evils.  Then again, maybe those great folks
at the Cthulhu For President site (http://www.cthulhu.org/) have a point...

> 2. Should I limit my posts to a certain size

With one voice, the People spoke:  "No!"

> 3. What is the proper way to refer to the author we're here for?

Thanks to John Klein, who supplied me with answers from Steven Brust


Unfortunately, there appear to be multiple Steves and multiple Brusts who
post to this list, but only one "Steven Brust"...  I'll use Brust for the
most part, and switch to the full name when it appears there might be some

Thanks to everyone who responded.
