
Souls - Destruction and Creation

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Thu Feb 26 12:31:52 PST 2004

> The details of the rest of it are undocumented, so far as I can see.
> We know there's reincarnation.  We don't know if there's a large
> initial pool, or if new souls are also created on-the-fly as needed.  

I found passages in _Teckla_ about reincarnation
that may be appropriate for this discussion.
It mentions that:

The Halls of Judgment is a place for Dragaeran
souls and in order to arrive there, they must
be sent over the Falls, and, "unless some god
especially liked or disliked the guy, he'd
take his place as part of a thriving community
of dead persons."

And if they're not brought over the Falls:

"Well, if he was killed with a Morganti dagger,
the issue was settled.  Or, if he'd worked out
some arrangement with his favorite god, then the god
had the pleasure of doing anything he wanted with the
soul.  Other than that, he'd be reincarnated."

As for reincarnation:

"...I remember that an unborn child exerts a kind of mystical
pull and will draw in the soul most suited to it.  If no soul
is appropriate, there will be no birth.  If there is no child
appropriate to a soul, the soul waits in a place that the
necromancers call 'The Plane of Waiting Souls' because they
aren't very imaginative."

Of course, this doesn't tell us what the initial pool was
like, or if new souls are created, but there is a place
where they hang out and wait for a new body.

(The above passages, BTW, were told to Vlad by Aliera, and
we all know how good Vlad's memory is.:)

Just thought I'd add in what I'd just read.

Chris (Yeah, rereading Tekla.  I felt like being depressed.:)

"Blind man's night is music to the deaf, and 
everyone has *two* paths, not one, whence comes
tragedy and comedy, forsooth and damn straight,
 - "The Gypsy" - Brust & Lindholm