

Sat Feb 28 20:01:02 PST 2004

Casey Rousseau wrote:

>OK, I have to admit it, I'm suffering withdrawal.  It's been 24 hours
>without any activity.  I must post.  I thought for a bit that perhaps my DNS
>changes had propogated to my ISP, but hadn't yet gotten to dd-b's.  But no,
>unless the automatic archive is also broken  we have all taken the day off. 
>And yet I have little relevant to say.
This message will land in my inbox an hour after it appears in the 
archives. Many on the list probably won't even see it. And yet, I write 
to say...


Or we could go back to arguing the finer points of Morganti weapons (hee).

Mild Issola spoilers follow:

Personally, I think that the method of Godslayer's rebirth is particular 
to that weapon, and thus not applicable to pararectal discussion of how 
the other Great Weapons have come about. While it seems that all of the 
Great Weapons we've met have distinct personalities, I believe that only 
Godslayer was rendered down to its components by the fearful gods, and 
thus was the only weapon that required a fresh soul to begin its life 
anew. I admit that Blackwand, Pathfinder and Iceflame may have acquired 
a fresh soul off-stage, as it were. In fact, now that I think about it, 
when Aliera got Pathfinder, it didn't eat a fresh soul, BUT we know that 
Barrit defied the Empire and made it stick, which suggests that 
Pathfinder was already ready to go when he had it... I don't know, maybe 
I just don't want to see Tazendra be eaten by Blackwand. And who knows 
how Iceflame came about. I doubt that it sprang fully formed from 
Sethra's, uh, hip. Actually, it would be very interesting to find out 
how the Serioli make Great Weapons and Morganti weapons in general.


Jose Marquez                       \  Cthulhu 2004
jhereg69 at earthlink.net              \  Why vote for
http://home.earthlink.net/~jhereg69  \  the lesser evil?