

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Sun Feb 29 08:29:54 PST 2004

Jose Marquez wrote:

> I admit that Blackwand,
> Pathfinder and Iceflame may have acquired
> a fresh soul off-stage, as it were. In fact, now that I think about
> it, when Aliera got Pathfinder, it didn't eat a fresh soul, BUT we
> know that Barrit defied the Empire and made it stick, which suggests
> that Pathfinder was already ready to go when he had it... I don't
> know, maybe I just don't want to see Tazendra be eaten by Blackwand.
> And who knows how Iceflame came about. I doubt that it sprang fully
> formed from Sethra's, uh, hip. Actually, it would be very interesting
> to find out
> how the Serioli make Great Weapons and Morganti weapons in general.
> Jose

We don't know much about the origins of Great Weapons.   Maybe they all were
created by different means.


1.  The Serioli just made Morganti weapons - Great Weapons was an
enhancement they didn't understand.
2.  Maybe the story about why they created Morganti weapons was not quite
accurate - what they REALLY were interested in was Great Weapons, but all
they could do was create receptacles for Great Weapons.    They have reason
to wish that powerful beings get out of their world - and they have the
ability to predict the future, so they may be simply setting things up for
the future they want.
3.  No two Great Weapons are alike (my assumption).   They aren't alike
because they were created differently.

My question:

What did the previous owner(s) think Spellbreaker was and would be used for?
What did Sethra think?  Why did she say it should be named?   Maybe she had
some prescience that it would one day HAVE a name.