
OT: a great ten rule

Sat Feb 28 12:36:41 PST 2004

> >And MegaTokyo is a good example of why this works. You're saving 
> >yourself significant effort if you're informed when it actually gets 
> >updated instead of having to check constantly on the off chance...
> OK, I can understand that.  In the case of Making Light, 
> while there aren't new entries every day, there's a thriving 
> community in the comment threads that is worth checking 
> daily.  But I can see how that would be useful for something 
> like the "Hello Cthulhu" web-strip or Steve's own blog.

I use the freeware windows program WebMon to watch blogs
and comics. Just lets you know when a page changes, and
you can specify it to Only check certain portions of the
page, as well as to schedule checks.  Lot a neat options.


"Be true to the thought of the moment and avoid
distraction. Other than continuing to exert yourself,
enter into nothing else, but go to the extent of living
single thought by single thought." -Yamamoto Tsunetomo