
Several Questions...

Jason *Jaxel* Axelrod jda3 at njit.edu
Mon Mar 1 22:41:04 PST 2004

So I just joined this mailing list recently, and I quickly realized that I
should stay away from it all until I finished reading Issola. I bought
Issola this morning and finishing it this evening. So now I am ready to ask
some questions that I've been wondering about the series and this list. I am
sorry if some of these questions sound dumb, but I've read all of the
Vladiad and the Khaavren Romances in a single year and its all a bit of a
blur and I've forgotten a few things.


1. Who is VN? Is it Vlad Norathar? How do we know Vlad has a son?

2. Why was Barrit alive in Yendi and yet in the Paths of the Dead at the
same time?

3. How do we know Tazendra is the soul of Blackwand?

4. Can someone explain to me the family tree of all the main chars, blood or
spiritual alike?