--- Andrew Bailey <abailey at micromuse.com> wrote: > > > From: J C <greyw01f at hotmail.com> > It's possible that she refers to them as Uncle Vlad > and Uncle Rollan > literally. Besides, I don't at all like Kieron > being Devera's father. > It's > not good. It smacks of trying to keep the storyline > limited to too few > characters, which I would regrettably argue peeks > out its head every now > and > then in the vladiad. While it's entirely pointless > to mention it, > considering the reigning circumstances at the time, > I don't see how she > would have had *time* to conceive with Kieron in the > paths. Perhaps personal time passes differently in different parts. A god might be able to change the passage of time for some reason. Even someone who had been there for "a long time" might learn some way to manipulate the reality there similar to magic (despite Paarfi's claim that sorcery is meaningless in the Paths it could be some skill different from sorcery). This might explain Barrit's abilities when Morrolan and Vlad were cut off from the Orb. >I don't see > why > she would have *wanted* to. They're brother and > sister---*particularily* in > the paths. Argue all you want for the genetic > variation due to the > reincarnation of the soul, but in the paths, they > are nothing BUT the > soul--the form they have is really quite peripheral. Well, I don't know. Aliera already was just a soul outside of the Paths. They came there specifically to put her inside a physical body. Devera being the child of a half-godess and a bodiless soul might explain some of her unusual abilities (that aren't explained by any other of her unusual circumstances). __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Search - Find what youre looking for faster http://search.yahoo.com