> It seems reasonable, to point out at this time, that the two instances > we have of kyrancteur or trellanstone are vastly different in size. > One is (and I'm not sure about the size here) anywhere from fist to > basketball sized, and the other is essentially a boulder. However, I > would imagine that the greater quantity of necrophia is off-set by the > Orb being linked to a greater quantity of amorphia, and also be > "refined" in some way. Nonetheless, I would, if I were one of the > Lords of Judgement, not be sleeping very well knowing there is such a > massive piece of trellanstone in the possession of the Jenoine. However, we don't know what percentage of the new trellanstone (for lack of a better term) is necrophia, nor the percentage of the orb that is necrophia. Is the entire orb necrophia? Is "trellanastone" merely the name of the stone that necrophia, for one reason or another, actually forms in? That would make the trellanstone an ore, from which necrophia is extracted. Therefore...if the orb is made of necrophia, then it is therefore pure necrophia, while the new trellanstone might have only a very small percentage of necrophia, because most of the actual mass of the trellanstone is the physical rock that the necrophia is in. -jeff