

Mon Mar 8 10:49:33 PST 2004

--- Bryan Newell <bryann at bryann.net> wrote:
> Mmmm. Just noticed a glaring mistake on my part:

I would not worry about it.  I am sure the 
places will move around as we debate the 
reliability of certain facts.  You have done 
a very good job just by getting started. 

So, is it a cylindrical, conic, or Mollweide 
projection?  Just kidding  :-)

What about the observation that the tip of 
Dzur Mountain was to the East (or was it to
the west?) of Castle Black.  Either way, it 
seems hard to put DM due north of Castle 
Black.  Maybe I (we?) should just wait for 
your full explanation before we flame you 
at the stake.

However, I hope that your map is not too hard 
to change.

Thank you for your efforts!


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