
Geography: Two Maps

Tue Mar 9 10:37:39 PST 2004

> you know the horrid thing? steven may have a map of the whole
> shootin' match sitting at home on  a drafting board gathering dust..

When I first became interested in this mapping project, my first step was to
scour the internet looking for a map (this is how I found the Dragaera
Mailing List and Brust's email address, btw).

Not finding one, I then contacted Steven Brust via email and asked him if a)
he had a map or b) intended to release a map in a future novel.  His
response was that the only "little mapoid things" he had were for his own
reference, which is what prompted me to begin creating my own map.

I hope he has a change of heart, because there will always be more
"speculation" than "fact" in a fan-made map, but I do not begrudge him a bit
if he chooses to never release an "official" map.  I'm just thankful he
continues to write such great books.

BTW, I've also asked him to critique my map, and his response was that he
"didn't want to get into checking it and such, and seeing if it matches

The point of all this is that I think that even if you are correct, I doubt
we'll ever be privy to what his maps look like.  My hope is to produce a map
that satisfies the text of the novels to a degree we as fans are all happy
with; to produce something that matches what we've all been seeing in our
heads as we read the novels.
