
"The Enchantress of Dzur Mountain" at Wikipedia

Thu Mar 18 14:21:53 PST 2004

From: Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu>
>On Thu, 18 Mar 2004, Mark A Mandel wrote:
>> 	"Wiki wiki" means "fast" in the Hawaiian language
>> 	http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WikiWiki
>And reduplication can indicate "fast" in human, right?  I swear there's a
>French word "vitvit".

The French word for "quickly" is "vite".  It's often reduplicated
in conversation -- "Vite!  Vite!" -- but it's not considered one word.

   David Goldfarb       <*>|"Feeling smug about one's opinions is the very 
goldfarb at ocf.berkeley.edu  | lifeblood of the Net."
goldfarb at csua.berkeley.edu |           -- Dawn Friedman