
Issola, Dragon, J Whedon, and Chandler's The Long Goodbye

Fri Mar 19 17:34:06 PST 2004

On Fri, 19 Mar 2004, Chris Olson - SunPS wrote:

> Philip Hart wrote:
> > Put the damn rock in a different room.  Use a concealment not subject to
> > Spellbreaker.
> I believe, for the Jenoine, that that is impossible.
> They do not use the word "place" in the same way humans,
> humans, or us humans (heh), do.  They *had* no other place
> to put it.

This is, no offense, wacky.  The J are a sophisticated, spacefaring
species with genius-level skills in biology and genetic engineering
and physics and who-knows-what-else.  And they can build walls and
ceilings, and doors.  Well, a door.  What's the point of a door if
they don't believe in extensive space?  What about that river outside
the door, and the sculpted hills and stuff?

> In fact, the whole idea of trying to sort out
> why the Jenoine did what they did is, in my opinion, silly.

Well, yes, since they are pure embodiments of plot.

> Even Sethra & Co. doesn't know enough about them to determine
> motive.

Sethra's been fighting them for 100-200 kyears or more.  Either they are
totally random (i.e., not intelligent) or they have some set of motives,
which should to some extent be apparent.  They have a language, they can
work out deals with assassins.  The explanation in _Issola_ is that the J
are too dumb to understand human motives.

> As for Spellbreaker, though it wasn't a GW at the
> time, the Jenoine were unable to touch or alter Blackwand
> or Pathfinder, so why should or would they come near Vlad's chain?

Yes, this is another plot point which makes 0 sense, but I didn't want to
pile on.  The J were able to kill M in battle - why not do the same when
he's incapacitated?  Why not suck all the oxygen out of the room?  Some
nobody was able to kill Baritt, and someone was able to pick up PF.  Why
not grab all the GW wielders and dump them in the river of amorphia?

> > Sethra, M, and A are principal opponents of the J, if we can
> > trust S.  The J can't be dumb enough not to notice that the creatures they
> > find "cute" have been thwarting them for many thousands of years.
> I doubt they view it that way.  I suspect they believe that
> the creatures who have been thwarting them for years are the
> Gods, and the "cute" ones are the God's "pets".

Well, they've attacked Dzur Mountain (run by Sethra), they've attacked the
Orb (run by a human), they've been opposed (according to S) principally
by GW wielders.  Either S is wrong or the J are dumb.

> > > Which tops a series of seeming inconsistencies: she tells M&A that
> > > they're traitors or fools for bringing her where the Jenoine can
> > > hurt her, but then she is not without power, they still fear her,
> > > Vlad didn't have to interpose his shoulder, but then all she can
> > > do is jump on a Jenoine as if it had borrowed her best dress.
> >
> > Yes.
> As I recall, they'd re-established their link to the Lesser Sea,
> and so Verra's powers, as those of the GWs, might not have been
> up to the task.  I can't recall what preceded Verra's jumping on
> one (does the text say?), but I can see even a powerful Goddess
> getting furious and losing her temper.

I believe the link was established until the very end of the book,
when Adron intervenes.