

Peter H. Granzeau pgranzeau at cox.net
Thu Apr 1 09:55:45 PST 2004

At 10:46 04/01/2004 -0500, Kenneth Gorelick wrote:

>In today's world, marketing trumps creativity. The name needs pizzazz, and 
>I suppose that in the minds of the marketing mavens, "Enchantress of Dzur 
>Mountain" is less pizzazzy than Sethra Lavode.
>Instead of Dzur, we will probably get Tazendra' Heir (you know, the heir 
>of the dzur that bit you...)

Ugh.  Instead of "Dzur" (how does one mispronounce that?  DEE zoor?), we 
get "Lavode" (I suppose that would be pronounced "Lay vo DAY", right?)

Regards, Pete
pgranzeau at cox.net