

Fri Apr 2 14:36:21 PST 2004

--- David Silberstein <davids at Kithrup.COM> wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Apr 2004, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> >And there's a prime example.  If you're actually holding the *best
> >possible* hand -- that is, you know the odds of any other player
> >having a better hand are *zero* -- then knowing the odds certainly
> >will influence how you play your hand!

Ike must have meant the best hand at the table (which of course you
wouldn't know at the time).

> >I guess I can believe that people *have* been bluffed or bullied while
> >holding the best possible hand -- but I have a hard time believing in
> >such stupidity.

They'd be the same people who sell books for a living but don't
learn to pronounce titles that might give them trouble.

Is "bullied" a technical term in poker like "bluff", by the way?

> Well, it might not be stupidity per se.  I know very little about
> poker, but I still find the following little quote Amusing:
>    "A Smith & Wesson beats four aces
> (or should it be "A Smith & Wesson beats five aces" ?)
> And tangentally to speaking of cheating at poker, I just saw /The
> Sting/ last night (where a deliberate poker cheat leads to other
> stuff).  Very Amusing.

I liked that movie, although even thinking about it can give me
Stuck Tune Syndrome, or is it called Earworm Infestation?

> Are Chreotha the confidence tricksters & scam artists of Dragaera?
> It would certainly tie into the whole web-weaving and traps side of
> things.

I'll be very interested to find out what Chreotha are like, other
than being pushable around.  In the meantime, if a Yendi tells you
he knows a wealthy man on Elde Island who's been unjustly
imprisoned and will richly reward anyone who helps free him,
I suggest you respond cautiously.

Jerry Friedman

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