

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Mon Apr 5 04:47:17 PDT 2004

Jeff Gibbons wrote:

> Yeah, don't miss Grimbergen Dubbel, it's an outstanding Belgium dark
> beer. Palm is good, you can find it anywhere, but there Winter
> Special Edition they have every year is great. The real Heineken from
> Holland is much better than what they import to the states, and the
> brewery is in Amsterdam. But the beers from Poland and the Czech
> Republic remain my favorites, light but full of flavor. Plus, at the
> equivalent of $.50 for a half liter. . . . .
> Jeff

I'm a fan of amber ale.   Living in Colorado, I'm familiar with The New
Belgium Brewery which is best known for Fat Tire (which I love).   But it
also makes Tripple, a Belgium style ale.   I had a Tripple last night.   It
has a bit more alcohol than I like but a good flavor.