
Sethra Lavode Afterword Query - No Spoilers

Fri Apr 9 18:03:32 PDT 2004

At 07:13 PM 4/9/2004 -0500, Jessica wrote:
>Could anyone be so kind as to enlighten me regarding the game being played 
>by the gods in the Afterword as written by the estimable John M. Ford? I 
>am not knowledgeable regarding games of chance, and my sister in her ever 
>growing desire to play games with her rather lovely new decks of playing 
>cards has decided she wishes to play it. She attempted to start a game 
>using the description in the book, but soon found her understanding of it 
>rather lacking. If someone could enlighten us on the name of the game, and 
>even where to find the rules (I am, of course, assuming it is a real card 
>game) we would be most appreciative.

The game is Texas Hold 'em.  It is one of the most popular poker games, so 
rules should be easy to find.  Here are the basics:

Every player is dealt two cards. (hold cards)
Betting takes place.
Three common cards are placed on the table. (the flop)
Betting takes place.
A fourth common card is placed on the table. (the turn, AKA fourth street)
Betting takes place.
A fifth common card is placed on the table. (the river, AKA fifth street)
Betting takes place.

The players that haven't folded at this point show their hold cards.  The 
player with the best five card hand (choosing from their two hold cards and 
the five common cards) wins.
