

Mon Apr 12 10:37:48 PDT 2004

Joshua Kronengold wrote:

>Mark A Mandel writes:
>>JP(E)G is designed for photos (which the P stands for, I think) and
>>other graphics that require very fine color gradations. For graphics
>>like this, GIF is better. Can your viewer handle GIF?
>Yeah, but GIF is still under patent, and isn't all that good.
>How about PNG?

Supporting PNG (or SVG) is obviously better but GIFs have been patent 
free in the US since friday, 20th June 2003. Europe, Canada and Japan 
patents run out in June this year (info from Kuro5hin - 
http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/6/19/35919/4079). Please use PNG or 
SVG instead of GIF but I wouldn't let the patent thing put you off GIFs 
- just that the others are better ;-)
