

Mon Apr 12 16:10:33 PDT 2004

> >>JP(E)G is designed for photos (which the P stands for, I think) and
> >>other graphics that require very fine color gradations. For graphics
> >>like this, GIF is better. Can your viewer handle GIF?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Yeah, but GIF is still under patent, and isn't all that good.
> >
> >How about PNG?
> >
> Supporting PNG (or SVG) is obviously better but GIFs have been patent
> free in the US since friday, 20th June 2003. Europe, Canada and Japan
> patents run out in June this year (info from Kuro5hin -
> http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2003/6/19/35919/4079). Please use PNG or
> SVG instead of GIF but I wouldn't let the patent thing put you off GIFs
> - just that the others are better ;-)

I have an ADSL, which means I get 160K download, but only 11K upload.  When
you're downloading from my site, my server is uploading to you, so you get
the slower speed.  I did my best to preserve the scale but reduce the
bandwidth (this is also why the map is in greyscale--it looked much better
in color, and the difference between forest, hills, and forested hills was
much clearer, but the smallest I could get it in color was about 900K).

I chose JPEG because it produced the smallest file size.  I used a
compression of 53, I think, which was as high as I could go and still have
readable text.  This reduced my roughly 2000x2000 pixel image to about 200k.

The best I could do with either GIF or PNG was much larger.  Ditto for TIF.
