
On Great Weapons and Marriages

Tue Apr 27 17:38:15 PDT 2004

From: Steve Simmons <scs at lokkur.dexter.mi.us>
>We've only seen two emperors, and Tortaalik was clearly married.  Zerika
>is not, but that's likely due to hre relative youth and the social
>inappropriateness of her current lover.

Her relative youth, and also the social unacceptability of cross-House
marriage.  She can't marry cross-House, and she can't marry within
her own House, so she pretty much can't marry at all.

   David Goldfarb       <*>|"I'm married to a woman I met through the computer
goldfarb at ocf.berkeley.edu  | on the Internet."
goldfarb at csua.berkeley.edu |        "How interesting! I'd love to meet her!"
                           |"So would I -- we're trying to arrange something 
                           | now."             -- Bizarro