
proofreading etc [spoilers 4 tEoDM/SL]

Tue May 4 10:10:57 PDT 2004

--- Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu> wrote:
> spoilers for TEoDM
> Apologies if these points have been noted/answered
> already:

ditto, I've been away.

> The witchcraft forbidding seems to be rather ad hoc.
>  Brimsford can't
> operate and Arra can't See but Castle Black doesn't
> fall, Morollan
> and A can communicate psychically, and A can cast
> spells.

I agree with the Castle Black issue, but I assumed 
once Morollan distracted What's His Face that his 
influence was decreased, but a valid point.

> I don't understand why the Athyra don't recognize
> Zerika straight off -
> don't they have to internally acknowledge her in
> order to access the Orb?
> I assume the Hawks asked for the counties north of
> Southmoor at the
> suggestion of Kana - would this come out, and did
> Morrolan profit?

Perhaps they are going at it old school.  I think 
with the Athyra it's more about academic-type 
respect (like winning chess or proving a theory) 
than power, and are simply tring to negotiate for 
a better position.  Or perhaps they knew the odds 
on the Empire/Orb winning better than anyone else.

We will have to wait and see about the Kana/Hawk 

> I think Kana's control of the "western third" of the
> Empire suggests
> horizontality - it would be odd to say "the army
> controlled the northern
> third of Tennessee."  I don't however understand
> Khaavren's assertion that
> the post can carry a message to anywhere in the
> Empire in three or four
> days.  One thousand five hundred miles (only the
> height of the Empire?)
> would be a long way to drive in three days, and
> that's as the crow flies.
> And a post station every 30 miles say would work out
> to 1k stations in the
> Empire, ignoring deserts and jungles, so 3k horses? 
> Seems like a lot so
> soon after the Interregnum.  Just quibbling. 

I thought the estimate was for the new telepathic 
EmpEx system.


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